Pastor Mike Dickson,
Immediate Past GRT Co-Chair
Pastor · Director of Community Outreach: A native of the Washington Metropolitan area (Landover, MD to be exact), Mike was shaped by and contributed to the expressions of brokenness typical of the area in the early 80s. At the end of 1986, the Lord Jesus intervened powerfully and dramatically, suddenly saving Mike shortly after he graduated high school. Mike served in our country's military and worked in the corporate world before joining the staff of Solid Rock Church in September of 1998. His greatest passion is telling people about Jesus and mobilizing the church to serve and take the gospel to our community. Mike and his wife Karen have been members of Solid Rock since 1993. They have five children (ages 31 - 18), a son-in–law and 6 grandchildren.

Lisa Robinson Walters,
Co Chair, Youth & Schools Workgroup
Lisa Robinson Walters, Entrepreneur opportunist of Greater Riverdale Thrives-Youth & Schools' is the committee that I have served on for the past 3 years to present. The goal is uplift students to become advocates and stakeholders internally within the school and externally within their community. "Come join Youth & Schools' to discover your gifts to aspire to inspire for equity!" Diversity is our Commitment!" & school is the committee that I love to serve on due to our Youth

Juan Caicedo,
Co Chair, Workforce Development
My background is in finances, economics and administration specifically in the area of community healthcare. I have worked directly with and advocated for the immigrant community of the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. My focus has been on this community’s health care needs, especially with vulnerable and under-served populations and children with disabilities. I have collaborated with University of Maryland investigators in the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) in different projects. I am a community leader and have assisted with the elicitation of health care decision-making priorities for Latino caregivers. I am also a member of the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Hispanic Affairs, in this role I have advocated for the needs of the Hispanic community which is the largest immigrant community in Maryland. I have a B.S. from Externado University of Colombia, an M.S. from Barcelona University of Spain, and an M.S.c from University of Maryland.

Joel Solorzano,
Co-Chair, Food Access
Bio coming soon.

Alisia Thomas, Co-Chair, Youth and Schools
Bio Coming Soon

Lola Onilogbo Co Chair, Community Beautification
Bio Coming Soon

Valerie Nicholas, Co-Chair, Affordable Housing
Bio Coming Soon